
NeuroNet is a research-based learning readiness program designed to help students develop fluency in essential reading, math, and handwriting skills. NeuroNet programs center around 4 Key Concepts:
  1. Learn Independently
    • Watch and learn, then think and do. Engage in productive trial and error problem solving.
  2. Make the Speed and Accuracy Network
    • Develop fluency in early reading, handwriting, and math skills. Learn how to use what you know to enhance new learning.
  3. Get You Brain to Practice What You Want Your Brain to Learn
    • To develop fluency, you must practice fluency.
  4. Self-Evaluations the Key to Motivation
    • Learn to self-evaluate and to equate effort and practice with improvements in performance.

Neuronet Backed Research

NeuroNet has been backed by hundreds of published works in Scientific and medical journals across the world. Articles can be found in the National Library of Medicine and ResearchGate just to name a few.